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Burawoy, Michael

For a Sociological Marxism: The Complementary Convergence of Antonio Gramsci and Karl Polanyi

Politics & Society 2003 31: 193


Filip, Birsen:

Polanyi and Hayek on Freedom, the State, and Economics

International Journal of Political Economy, vol. 41, no. 4, Winter 2012–13, pp. 69–87.



Hart, Keith:

Karl Polanyi’s Legacy

Development and Change 39(6): 1135–1143 (2008).


Hill, Lewis E. and Von Ende, Eleanor T.:

Towards a Personal Knowledge of Economic History: Reflections on Our Intetlectual Heritage from the Potanyi Brothers

American Journal of Economics and Sociology. Vol. 53, No. 1 (January, 1994).


Paton, Joy:

Labour as a (Fictitious) Commodity: Polanyi and the Capitalist ‘Market Economy’

The Economic and Labour Relations Review Vol. 21 No. 1, pp. 77–88


Polanyi-Levit, Karl & Mendell, Margueritte:

Karl Polanyi: His Life and Times - Studies in Political Economy

Political Economy 22, Spring 1987


Roncallo, Alejandra:

Cosmologies and Regionalisms from ‘Above’ and ‘Below’ in the post-cold war Americas: the Relevance of Karl Polanyi for the 21st century

Third World Quarterly, Vol. 34, No. 7, 2013, pp 1145–1158


Somers, Margaret & Block, Fred:

The Return of Karl Polanyi 

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