
Zoltán Ginelli
2019. nov. 25.1 perc olvasás
Soyalism – Or How We Are Fed
This is an event for screening the film Soyalism (Java Films, 2018, directed by Stefano Liberti, Enrico Parenti.) and to discuss in a...
50 megtekintés0 hozzászólás

Tamás Krausz
2019. nov. 25.1 perc olvasás
Lenin on Global History and the Global Historiography on Lenin
Keynote Lecture on the Fifth European Congress on World and Global History (European Congress European Network in Universal and Global...
106 megtekintés0 hozzászólás

Zoltán Ginelli
2019. nov. 24.2 perc olvasás
Perspectives on International Aid and Development in the 21st Century
Lectures and roundtable discussion organized by Karl Polanyi Research Centre for Global Social Studies Time: 9 December 2019, 6 PM Venue:...
87 megtekintés0 hozzászólás

Zoltán Ginelli
2019. aug. 30.2 perc olvasás
Book Launch – Repatriating Polanyi: Market Society in the Visegrád States by Chris Hann
Karl Polanyi Research Center for Global Social Studies is happy to announce the book launch: Repatriating Polanyi: Market Society in the...
100 megtekintés0 hozzászólás

Karl Polanyi Center for Global Social Studies
2019. aug. 6.1 perc olvasás
"The neoliberal order brings right-wing elites into power" – Interview with Attila Melegh
Attila Melegh, founding director of our Research Center was interviewed by Stefan Schwendtner at the Max Planck Institute for Social...
34 megtekintés0 hozzászólás

Zoltán Ginelli
2019. máj. 26.1 perc olvasás
Gallery – Karl Polanyi and the Future of Humankind
#KarlPolanyi #globaljustice #migration #globalmigration #Brazil #globalpolicies #Hungary #booklaunch
66 megtekintés0 hozzászólás

Zoltán Ginelli
2019. márc. 13.5 perc olvasás
Karl Polanyi for the 21st Century
2019 Conference in Memory of Karl Polanyi Karl Polanyi and The Future of Humankind | Budapest | 1–2 May Organiser: Karl Polanyi Research...
746 megtekintés0 hozzászólás