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Romanian Journal of European Affairs A Romanian publication to focus on the European Union debate

Szerző képe: Karl Polanyi Center for Global Social StudiesKarl Polanyi Center for Global Social Studies

The European Institute of Romania would like to invite contributors interested in European affairs to submit articles for evaluation and publication in the Romanian Journal of European Affairs, a journal indexed in various international databases (ProQuest, EBSCO, SCOPUS, Index Copernicus, DOAJ, HeinOnline, Cabell’s Directory etc.).

Romanian Journal of European Affairs (RJEA) is a quarterly publication that covers a wide range oftopics, from top issues in EU (economic and monetary affairs, energy, migration, security, neighbourhood policy etc.) to the impact of the European integration process on the member states, as well as the EU’s relations with other global actors.

Guidelines for authors:

The articles (written in English) should have between 4,000 and 8,000 words, accompanied by a 200-word abstract, a very brief autobiographical note, keywords, also in English, and JEL classification (if the case). Book reviews should be no longer than 2, 000 words.

The articles will be submitted in Microsoft Office Word format, Times New Roman, 12, spacing at 1.5 lines and will be sent to the address mentioning "For RJEA". Oxford citation system is recommended.

Please send your contribution before August 1st, 2015 or October 1st, 2015.

The submission of an article implies commitment from the author to comply with the copyright policy of the Romanian Journal of European Affairs. The Copyright Agreement is available online.

More details can be found here:

Selection of articles:

Each article received for publication enters a selection procedure before being accepted or rejected. All articles under analysis are made anonymous and handed over to two reviewers whose reports will provide the basis for acceptance or rejection.

Within the evaluation procedure, there are several factors, both quantitative and qualitative, that are taken into consideration. The main selection criteria are: scientific excellence, originality, novelty and potential interest for the journal's audience.

The editors reserve the right to ask the authors for changes, both in form and content, whenever necessary.

For more general information on the journal and the previous issues, please visit:

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