Democratic Modernity: Alternative Ideas of Nationalism and Women's Liberation in the Rojava Mode

5 December 2017, 6:00 PM
Corvinus University of Budapest
Salt House building, Lecture room 1.
1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 13-15

Dilar Dirik is an activist of the Kurdish women's movement, based in Europe. She writes on Kurdistan for an international audience. Currently, she is working on her PhD at the University of Cambridge.
Rojava: Democratic Nation as a revolution of peoples
The revolutionary project of Rojava-Northern Syria is being realized in the midst of international conflicts in a warzone. Different communities have come together to self-organize based on mutual respect and solidarity. Around the world, it has become a beacon of hope for believers on freedom and democracy. To what extent is Rojava an a-typical leftist project? What explains the popular democratic structures on the ground? What is the relationship between democracy and women's autonomy? Is Rojava too particular or "far away" to be relevant for other contexts? Or are there universal themes in this struggle that resonate with fights around the world? What does Rojava mean to the left in the 21st century?

Sercan Çınar is a PhD candidate at the Department of Gender Studies at Central European University, Budapest. He writes in the socialist monthly journal Birikim and various blogs, mostly on left-wing politics in Turkey and in the Middle East. His research interests include gender and women’s history and the Cold War, transnational history of left-wing women’s movements and communism, and critical studies on men and masculinities.
Beyond the teleology of emancipation: Kurdish women’s left-feminism as an alternative avenue for an inclusive feminist politics and agency

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