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Attila Melegh


Attila Melegh, sociologist and historian. Senior advisor at the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, associate professor at Corvinus University, Budapest, professor at Pal Tomori College as the founder of international studies program. He has taught in the United States, Russia, Georgia and Hungary. He has been the project manager of several major interntaional projects including SEEMIG. He is the current president of the European Network of Global and Universal History. He does research on population discourses, migration, migration statistics and on global social change in the 20th century. Author of 3 books in English and Hungarian, and over a hundred scientific publications.


Books and monographs


Melegh, Attila - Éva Kovács - Irén Gödri (2009): "Azt hittem célt tévesztettem" A bevándorló nők élettörténeti perspektívái, integrációja és a bevándorlókkal kapcsolatos attitűdök nyolc európai országban ('I thought I missed the target. Life course perspective, integration of female immigrants and attitudes toward immigrants in eight European countries) KSH Kutatási Jelentés, 88. Budapest. 1-234.o


Melegh, Attila (2006).On the East/West Slope. Globalization, Nationalism, Racism and Discourses on Central and Eastern Europe. New York-Budapest, CEU Press.


Melegh Attila (2001). Kiskunhalas népesedéstörténete a 17 század végétől a 20. század elejéig. (The Population History of Kiskunhalas from the 17th century till the early 20th century),  Budapest , KSH NKI.


Articles, chapters in the last 4 years


Attila Melegh: Biopolitics, regions and demography In: Diana Mishkova, Centre for Advanced Study Sofia, Balazs Trencsényi, Central European University (eds): European Regions and Boundaries A Conceptual History. Berghan Books (accepted)

In Hungarian:

Melegh Attila (2014): Biopolitika, régiók és demográfia. In: Őri Péters (szerk): Szám-(ésbetű)vetés. Tanulmányok Faragó Tamás Tiszteletére. KSH Népoességtudományi Intézet, Budapest 23-58.


Melegh, Attila (2014): Postsocialist Hybris, The case of Hungary. Drewski, Bruno (ed) Acheter "Slovo. Volume 43.44 : Gagnants et perdants : une génération après... Le "post-communisme" en Europe du Centre et de l'Est" sur In:Slovo vol 43-44, 40-54


Attila Melegh (2013) Net migration and historical development in Southeastern Europe since 1950. Hungarian Historical Hungarian Historical Review 1, no. 3–4 (2012): 144–182

also as a working paper:

Melegh, Attila (2013) Diverging historical development of migration in Southeastern Europe since 1950. Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare. No. 17. Demographic Research Institute, Hungarian Central Statistical Office. Budapest.


Arland Thornton, Georgina Binstock, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, Dirgha Ghimire, Arjan Gjonca, Attila Melegh, Colter Mitchell, Mansoor Moaddel, Yu Xie, Li-shou Yang, Linda Young-DeMarco – University of Michigan, Kathryn Yount (2012) Knowledge and beliefs about national development and developmental hierarchies: The viewpoints of ordinary people in thirteen countries. Social Science Research 41 (2012) 1053–1068


Melegh, Attila (2012) Provincial Europe. Review Essay. International Sociology. Volume 27 Issue 2 March 2012 pp. 179 - 188


Melegh, Attila, Arland Thornton, Dimiter Philipov and Linda Young-DeMarco (2012) Perceptions of societal developmental hierarchies in Europe and beyond: A Bulgarian Perspective, European Sociological Review, forthcoming Impact factor: 1.023, 5-Yr impact factor: 1.873

Earlier version:

Mapping Developmental Hierarchies in Europe: A Bulgarian Perspective. : Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare. No. 13. Demographic Research Institute, Hungarian Central Statistical Office. Budapest.


Melegh Attila (2011) Globalizáció és migráció Magyarországon . Educatio 2011/2, 206-219.


Melegh Attila (2011) Tettem valamit az asztalra. Az állampolgársághoz vezető út kvalitatív interjúk alapján.  In: In: Kováts András (szerk.): Magyarrá válni: bevándorlók honosítási és integrációs stratégiái. - Budapest: MTA Etnikai-nemzeti Kisebbségkutató Intézet, 2011. 199-242


Melegh, Attila (2011) Living to ourselves. Localizing global hierarchies in state socialist Hungary in the 1970s and 1980s. Journal of Modern European History.  No. 2 August


Melegh, Attila (2010): Between global and local hierarchies: population management in the first half of the twentieth century. Demográfia English Edition, 2010, vol 53 no. 5, 51-77.


Melegh Attila (2010) Nemzeti és etnikai identitások globális kontextusban. Kísérleti lépések a globális hierarchiák szociológiája felé (National and ethnic identities in global context. Steps toward the sociology of global hierarchies).In: Feischmidt Margit (szerk) Etnicitás. Különbségteremtő társadalom. Budapest, Gondolat, MTA Kisebbségkutató Intézet 126-140.


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