Karl Polanyi for the 21st Century

2019 Conference in Memory of Karl Polanyi
Karl Polanyi and The Future of Humankind | Budapest | 1–2 May
Organiser: Karl Polanyi Research Center for Global Social Studies
Dani Rodrik Lecture Karl Polanyi and Globalization's Wrong Turn | Vienna | 3 May
Organiser: International Karl Polanyi Society
Universal Capitalism in Decline? | Vienna | 4–5 May
Organiser: International Karl Polanyi Society

Karl Polanyi and The Future of Humankind
1–2 May, 2019
Corvinus University of Budapest, Building E
Fővám tér 8, 1093 Budapest

The event is funded by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Vezetésfejlesztési Alapítvány, and Corvinus-MNB konferenciaszervezési Alapítvány.
May 1 – Wednesday
Venue: Lecture Room III
15:30–17:15 – Pre-event screening of the film Samir Amin: The organic intellectual, Z. Fall, (o.v. English-French). Discussion with the director: Professor Aziz Fall (McGill University, Canada) led by Céline Cantat (Karl Polanyi Research Center)
17:15–17:30 – Short Break
17:30–17:40 – Welcome Talks
Attila Melegh (Corvinus University of Budapest) Andreas Novy (University of Vienna) Jiri Silný (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Prague)
Marguerite Mendell (Concordia University, Polanyi Institute)
17:40–18:30 – Opening Talk and Discussion
Kari Polanyi Levitt (McGill University, Polanyi Institute)
Chair: Marguerite Mendell (Concodria University, Polanyi Institute)
18:30–19:00 – Polanyi and Market Making in Higher Education
Susan Lee Robertson (University of Cambridge)
19:00–19:15 – Coffee Break
19:15–20:15 – Left East Roundtable Discussion: Global Work and Eastern Europe
Chair: Mariya Ivancheva (University of Liverpool, UK)
Balázs Bábel (Vasas Szakszervezeti Szövetség) Annamária Artner (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) Tibor Meszmann (Helyzet Műhely)
May 2 – Thursday
Venue: CUB, Building E, Lecture Room III
Session 1
Chair: TBC
10:00–10:30 – Workers Councils in the 20th Century: What Can We Learn to Change the Future?
Raquel Varela (New University of Lisbon)
10:30–11:00 – Socialist Accounting and the Environment
Gareth Dale (Brunel University London)
11:00–11:20 – Discussion
11:20–11:40 – Coffee Break
Session 2
Chair: Márton Hunyadi (HAS and Karl Polanyi Research Centre)
11:40–12:00 – Karl Polanyi and the Future of Planning
László Andor (Corvinus University of Budapest)
12:00–12:30 – Global Governance and the Double Movement
Dorottya Mendly (Corvinus University of Budapest)
12:30–12:50 – Discussion
12:50–14:00 – Lunch Break
Session 3
Chair: Tania Munira (Karl Polanyi Research Centre)
14:00–14:30 – Advocating Class in Global Gender Politics: The International Activism of Trade Union Women in the Interwar Period
Susan Zimmermann (Central European University)
14:30–14:50 – Financial Capitalism and its Critique from a Polanyian Perspective
Bruno de Conti (Campinas University)
14:50–15:20 – Discussion
15:20–15:50 – Coffee break
Session 4
Chair: Michelle Crosby-Nagy (Karl Polanyi Research Centre)
15:50–16:10 – The Great Transformation of Cultural Production: Putting Polanyi to Work in a Historical Sociology of Contemporary Culture
Alexandra Kowalski (Central European University)
16:10–16:30 – Crisis and Migration Policies: The New Context in Brazil and South America
Patricia Villen Meirelles Alves (Campinas University)
16:30–16:50 – The Fear of Population Replacement and the Fictitious Exchange of Migrant Labor in Eastern Europe
Attila Melegh (Corvinus University of Budapest)
16:50–17:20 – Discussion
17:20–18:40 – Karl Polanyi and the Double Movement: Introductory Lectures and Roundtable Discussion
Chair: Zoltán Ginelli (Independent Researcher, Karl Polanyi Research Centre)
Ilya Budraitskis (The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, Russia) Mariya Ivancheva (University of Liverpool, UK) Brigitte Aulenbacher (JKU Linz, Austria, International Karl Polanyi Society)
Balázs Krémer (University of Debrecen, Hungary)
18:40–19:00 – Book launch of Raquel Valera: A People's History of the portuguese Revolution (2019, Pluto Press) with Patricia Villen Meirelles Alves and Attila Melegh
19:00–21:00 – Reception

Photo: Jonny White, Monthly Review
Universal Capitalism in Decline?
May 3–5, 2019
May 3 – Friday
Venue: Radiokulturhaus – Argentinierstraße 30A, 1040 Vienna
14:30–16:30 – Vienna city walk: In the footsteps of Karl Polanyi (meeting point tba) (Please register specifically for this event by ticking the respective box in the online registration form)
16:30–18:30 – Break
18:30–21:00 – Karl Polanyi and Globalization’s Wrong Turn
Dani Rodrik (Harvard University, USA)
Welcome Addresses:
Maria Vassilakou (Vice-Mayor of Vienna, on behalf of Mayor Michael Ludwig)
Sigrid Stagl (Deputy Department Head of Socio-Economics at WU, on behalf of WU-Rector Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger)
Ayse Caglar (IWM & University of Vienna, Austria)
Brigitte Aulenbacher (Vice-President of IKPS & JKU Linz, Austria)
Chair: Andreas Novy (President of IKPS & WU Vienna, Austria)
Kari Polanyi Levitt (Honorary President of IKPS & McGill University, Canada)
Ayse Bugra (Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey)
21:00 – Drinks
May 4 – Saturday
Venue: ÖFSE (Austrian Foundation for Development Research) – Sensengasse 3, 1090 Vienna
9:00–10:30 – Plenary discussion: “Universal capitalism in decline?”
Chair: Claus Thomasberger (IKPS & Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
Michele Cangiani (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italy) (tbc)
Maria Markantonatou (IKPS & University of the Aegean, Lesvos, Greece)
Jamie Peck (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada)
Werner Raza (Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE)) (tbc)
10:30–10:45 – Coffee break
10:45–13:30 – Parallel Sessions 1: Paper presentations and discussion
Track 1: Commodification, liberalization and counter movements
Track 2: Country specific experiences and institutions
Track 3: Electoral politics, authoritarianism and democracy
Track 4: Environment and ecology
Track 5: Financial markets and digital economy
Track 6: Theoretical discussions on Polanyi
13:00–13:45 – Book presentation
Christoph Deutschmann (2019): “Disembedded Markets Economic Theology and Global Capitalism” (room tba)
13.30–14.30 – Lunch break
14:30–17:30 – Parallel Sessions 2: Paper presentations and discussion
Track 1: Commodification, liberalization and counter movements
Track 2: Country specific experiences and institutions
Track 3: Electoral politics, authoritarianism and democracy
Track 4: Environment and ecology
Track 5: Financial markets and digital economy
Track 6: Theoretical discussions on Polanyi
17:00–17:45 – Book presentations
Christopher Holmes, Gareth Dale, Maria Markantonatou (2019): “Exploring the Thought of Karl Polanyi” (room tba)
Brigitte Aulenbacher, Richard Bärnthaler, Andreas Novy: Austrian Journal for Sociology (ÖZS): Special Issue on Polanyi (room tba)
17:30–18:00 – Coffee and snack break
18:00–19:30 – Plenary discussion: “’Commodity fiction’ unbroken? Commodification and countermovements”
Chair: Fabienne Décieux (JKU Linz, Austria)
Brigitte Aulenbacher (IKPS & JKU Linz, Austria)
Karin Fischer (JKU Linz, Austria) (tbc)
Gernot Grabher (HafenCity University Hamburg, Germany)
Antonino Palumbo (Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy)
Christina Plank (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria) (tbc)
19:30 – Dinner
May 5 – Sunday
Venue: ÖFSE (Austrian Foundation for Development Research) – Sensengasse 3, 1090 Vienna
9:00–10:30 – Plenary discussion: “Commodification and the social-ecological transformation”
Chair: Enzo Mingione (Università di Milano-Bicocca, Italy) (tbc)
Christian Berndt (University of Zurich, Switzerland) (tbc)
Magdalena Heuwieser (System Change not Climate Change, Austria) (tbc)
Birgit Mahnkopf (Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany)
Andreas Novy (IKPS & WU Vienna, Austria)
10:30–10:45 – Coffee break
10:45–13:00 – Parallel Sessions 3: Paper presentations and discussion
Track 1: Commodification, liberalization and counter movements
Track 2: Country specific experiences and institutions
Track 3: Electoral politics, authoritarianism and democracy
Track 4: Environment and ecology
Track 5: Financial markets and digital economy
Track 6: Theoretical discussions on Polanyi
13:00–14:00 – Lunch break
14:00–15:30 – Plenary discussion: “The Crisis of Neoliberalism and Far-Right Populism”
Chair: Ayse Caglar (IWM & University of Vienna, Austria)
Andrew Fischer (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Walter Ötsch (Cusanus University Bernkastel-Kues, Germany & JKU Linz, Austria) (tbc)
Franziska Disslbacher (Chamber of Labor Vienna, Austria)
15:45–17:15 – Plenary discussion: “Karl Polanyi for the 21st century”
Chair: Michael Brie (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Germany)
Veronika Heimerl (IKPS & WU Vienna, Austria)
Gibin Hong (Karl Polanyi Institute Asia (KPIA)) (tbc)
Diána Szántó (Karl Polanyi Research Center for Global Social Studies at Corvinus University Budapest, Hungary)
Margie Mendell (Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy Montreal, Canada)
Kari Polanyi Levitt (IKPS & McGill University, Canada)
17:15–17:45 – Coffee and snack break
17:45–18:45 – General Assembly of the IKPS