Changing Tides in Brazil: Society and Critical Thought After the Crisis

Open discussion
5 February 2018, 6:00 PM
Corvinus University of Budapest, C Building, Lecture Room 510
1093 Budapest, Közraktár utca 4
Patricia Villen, Professor at the Institute of Social Sciences at Federal University of Uberlândia
International migration to Brazil in the recent period
In the second half of the 20th century, research about immigration and refugee in Brazil was rather focused on the outflows. Nevertheless, it is important to realize that there is a new social basis of migration inflows – notably from the Global South – in the Brazilian context during this period, mainly after the outbreak of the global crisis (2007-8). The lecture highlights how international migration in Brazil is far from being a marginal issue, covering a complexity of occupational categories and work conditions. Moreover, it will discuss the effects of the world crisis for the immigrants in Brazil.
Bruno De Conti, Professor at the Institute of Economics at University of Campinas
Brazilian economy: from euphoria to crises (2003-2016)
In the first decade of the 21st century, Brazil attracted the attention of the international community, being considered as one of the emerging stars of world economy. From 2004 to 2010, the country effectively conciliated high economic growth, a massive reduction of poverty and an amelioration of income distribution. Four years later however, the country got into an economic crisis that has quickly reverted all the achievements of the precedent period. This lecture aims to discuss the reasons of this rapid change from a boom to a deep crisis.
About the speakers

Patricia Villen received her Phd at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp). Her research on immigration in the dependent modernization received the Prize Fernando Lourenço in 2015, for the best Phd thesis in sociology. Her research fields include international migration and refugees, racism, labour and post-colonial studies. She participated in various international research projects on migration and is currently teaching at the Federal University of Uberlândia.

Bruno De Conti does research mainly in the fields of Brazilian economy, international economics, the international monetary system and Chinese economy. He received his Phd in Economics at the University of Paris 13, Centre d’Économie de l’Université de Paris Nord. He was working as Visiting Professor in Germany, Spain, Russia and France and participated in various research projects. He is currently a Professor at the Institute of Economics, University of Campinas.