Conference on Non-Capitalist Mixed Economies (Money, Markets, Forms of Socialism)

Please see the video recordings of each speaker at the conference on the following links.
Discussion with Attila Melegh and Ágnes Gagyi.
Nov 26 ENG
Opening statements: Joanna Gwiazdecka (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung), Attila Melegh (Karl Polanyi Research Center for Global Social Studies)
Keynote: Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro (online) Socialist state economies and environmental impact
Keith Hart: Money and markets after capitalism: A new humanism for world society
Raquel Varela: Ideas of a socialist transition during the Portuguese revolution
David Lane: Is contemporary China 'state capitalist'?
Pietro Basso: Socialism and transition to socialism in Western countries according to Amadeo Bordiga
Roberto della Santa: From the 'Novy Byt' (1923) to a 'new way of life' (2023): toward non- homogeneous social forms in troubled times
Radhika Desai (online): Money in socialist economies
Alan Freeman (online): Socialism and national accounting system
Fikadu T. Ayanie: Garrison Socialism ‘from above’: The Ethiopian experiment in the context of non-capitalist mixed economy
Bruno De Conti (online): Money and finance in China: tensions arising from the public-private dimensions
Johanna Bockman (online): Polanyi's 'socialist accounting'
Nov 26 HU
Opening statements: Joanna Gwiazdecka (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung), Attila Melegh (Karl Polanyi Research Center for Global Social Studies)
Keynote: Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro (online) Socialist state economies and environmental impact
Keith Hart: Money and markets after capitalism: A new humanism for world society
Raquel Varela: Ideas of a socialist transition during the Portuguese revolution
David Lane: Is contemporary China 'state capitalist'?
Pietro Basso: Socialism and transition to socialism in Western countries according to Amadeo Bordiga
Roberto della Santa: From the 'Novy Byt' (1923) to a 'new way of life' (2023): toward non- homogeneous social forms in troubled times
Radhika Desai (online): Money in socialist economies
Alan Freeman (online): Socialism and national accounting system
Fikadu T. Ayanie: Garrison Socialism ‘from above’: The Ethiopian experiment in the context of non-capitalist mixed economy
Bruno De Conti (online): Money and finance in China: tensions arising from the public-private dimensions
Johanna Bockman (online): Polanyi's 'socialist accounting'
Nov 27 ENG
Zhun Xu (online): The rural land question in China
Zhaochang Peng (online): Rural mixed economy in Marx's Capital and ancient China
Tamás Gerőcs and Linda Szabó (online): Semi-peripheral infrastructure development during global power shift. China’s mixed-economic paradigm for investing in Hungary
Attila Antal: What have neoliberals learned from the Kádár regime? Anti-capitalism and state planning in the mixed economy
Enikő Vincze: The mixed housing order in Romanian state socialism
Attila Melegh: Ideas of mixed economy and socialism: How complexity was reduced?
Nov 27 HU
Zhun Xu (online): The rural land question in China
Zhaochang Peng (online): Rural mixed economy in Marx's Capital and ancient China
Tamás Gerőcs and Linda Szabó (online): Semi-peripheral infrastructure development during global power shift. China’s mixed-economic paradigm for investing in Hungary
Attila Antal: What have neoliberals learned from the Kádár regime? Anti-capitalism and state planning in the mixed economy
Enikő Vincze: The mixed housing order in Romanian state socialism
Attila Melegh: Ideas of mixed economy and socialism: How complexity was reduced?