Perspectives on International Aid and Development in the 21st Century

Lectures and roundtable discussion organized by Karl Polanyi Research Centre for Global Social Studies
Time: 9 December 2019, 6 PM
Venue: Corvinus University of Budapest, 4–6 Közraktár u., 1093 Budapest, Lecture Room 510
Tomáš Profant: Postcolonial Perspectives on International Development
Tomáš Profant is a research fellow at the Institute of International Relations in Prague and a lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava. His new book, ‘New Donors on the Postcolonial Crossroads’ uses a novel double postcolonial perspective, examining North–South relations and East–West relations simultaneously, and problematizing these distinctions. In particular, the book deploys an empirical analysis of a ‘new’ Eastern European donor (Slovakia), compared with an ‘old’ donor (Austria), in order to explore questions around hierarchization, depoliticization and the legitimization of development.
Judit Kiss: Financing Development
Judit Kiss is a Research Professor at the Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and a Professor of International Economics and Development Studies at IBS. She holds a BA in International Trade, an MA in International Relations, and a PhD in Development Economics from the University of Economics (Budapest). She was Visiting Professor at Dar es Salaam University (Tanzania) between 1985 and 1989 and conducted field research in Botswana, China, India, Tanzania, and Namibia. She has over 320 scientific publications in Hungarian and foreign languages, and has conducted consultancy and research for international organisations such as the EU, ILO, KPMG, UNCTAD, UNIDO, UNITAR, World Bank.
Krisztina Szabó: Measuring International Aid
Krisztina Szabó is an Assistant Lecturer at the Corvinus University of Budapest within the Institute of World Economy, whilst she is doing her PhD at Central European University. Her main research field and interest is the political economy of foreign aid and the political economy of development and related questions. She graduated from the University of Glasgow with an MSc in International Relations, whilst she holds a BSc degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Debrecen and another BSc in Economics from Coventry University.
The short lectures are followed by a roundtable discussion and a Q&A.
Moderated by Dorottya Mendly, Karl Polanyi Research Centre for Global Social Studies.